Anna Kholobudovskaya
Practice areas
- Intellectual property, specifically, domestic and international registration of trademarks (including under the Madrid system).
- 2009 – "Legal Business in USA. Law Firm Management": Training for Partners and Top Executives of Law Firms. Lincoln Law School of San Jose, California, USA.
- 2006-2007 – Research work in University Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne, France.
- 2005-2006 – Master's program "European protection of main rights", University D'Auvergne Clermont-Ferrand, France.
- 1997-2003 – Faculty of law, Liberal Arts University, Ekaterinburg.
Professional achievements
In 2017-2020 Anna has been personally recommended by World Trademark Review 1000 in area of trademarks registration (Prosecution and Strategy).
The International Trademark Registration Practice led by Anna is notes as one of Russia's best by:
- Chambers Europe, Intellectual Property: Filing, 2016-2020.
- World Trademark Review 1000, Prosecution and Strategy, 2019-2020.
Anna Kholobudovskaya heads the international trademark unit at INTELLECT. She has successfully registered countless trademarks both at a national level and under the Madrid system.
– World Trademark Review 1000 2017
Professional activity
Anna's joining INTELLECT in 2009 gave the firm's trademark practice a new dimension and direction: international registration of trademarks and legal services for international trademark owners in Russia. Anna is responsible for the registration of several dozens of trademarks annually.
In 2014 Anna Kholobudovskaya successfully passed exams and was granted trademark attorney licence by Russian patent office (Rospatent).
Sphere of professional interests: intellectual property, trademarks, international trademark protection, legal business (partnership in a law firm, fee policy, grading, pricing and billing, marketing), American model of legal business.