INTELLECT-S is One of the Two Leaders
Delovoy Kvartal magazine made the rating of law firms by the results of 2011. INTELLECT-S took the first place in three of six categories in top list of the largest Ekaterinburg law firms.
The annual rating of law firms, according Delovoy Kvartal is based on statistics, which were provided by the leaders of the market and then checked by specialists from edition. Top lists of largest law firms are made in several regions and published in all regional issues of magazine on the same day. Following to results of 2011 Law Firm Group INTELLECT-S was included in rating of two cities, where the magazine is published and INTELLECT-S has branches: Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk.
In the market of legal services of Ekaterinburg INTELLECT-S is one of leading players. It ranks second place in the top list of the largest companies by revenue in 2011 and shows a climb of 23 per cent in comparison with 2010. It is important to note that the gap between figures of the firms, which have leading positions, are small, but the figures of the company, which has the third place, are two times below.
Besides that, INTELLECT-S took the first place in the rating of Ekaterinburg law firms by amount of corporate employees, lawyers with higher education, and by office floor space. The managing partner of INTELLECT-S Evgeny Shestakov and senior partner Roman Rechkin were included in TOP-15 Best Law Firm Executives according to professional reputation.
Office of INTELLECT-S in Novosibirsk was opened only in 2011, that's why it wasn't included in the top list of the largest law firms of the region. But Anna Shumskaya, the director of Novosibirsk office, following the results of activities in 2011, is on the rating of professional reputation - the list of 20 Best Law Firm Executives of Novosibirsk.